Why You Don’t Need to Take Iron Supplements: The Iron Recycling System

Our bodies are extraordinary. Every single moment of every day, they work hard to keep us alive.
While there’s no doubt they need a constant, steady stream of energy to thrive...they’re also exceptionally good at making the most of what they have. Recycling.♻️
One of the most important and sophisticated, yet overlooked aspects of the human body, is the Iron Recycling System, formally known as the Reticuloendothelial System (RES). This amazing system is comprised of the:
Small Intestine
Bone Marrow
Red Blood Cells
Throughout the recycling process, iron is constantly being transported and changed from the ferrous form (dangerous) to the ferric form (safer). To do this without creating rust, which is the DRIVER of all disease, you need bioavailable copper. Copper is what allows our body to use iron safely.⛑️
When working correctly, the RES can recycle 24 mg of iron a day all by itself (some say it’s 25-30 mg!). That leaves us needing a whopping 1 mg of iron from food per day. For pregnant women, it may be 1-2 mg per day.
Unfortunately, many of us are led to believe that we need to supplement iron. We’re also not aware that the food system has been fortified with iron shavings since the 1940s. Excess iron overwhelms the RES and depletes copper (as well as other vitamins and minerals). As a result, our body tucks iron away in our tissues because it feeds pathogens (viruses, bacteria, etc). Then we get told we have “anemia” and we take more iron pills. The cycle continues.🌀
Without bioavailable copper, the RES doesn’t work the way it should. And without Vitamin A, copper doesn’t work. These two things are essential to keep the RES humming.🐄🍊
The Full Monty Iron Panel is the best way to figure out how well your Iron Recycling System is working. DM me if interested.
Want to make changes, but not sure how? Check out my recent post titled “Where do I start? STOP…”
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Andrews, N. (2008). Forging a field: the golden age of iron biology. Retrieved from: https://ashpublications.org/blood/article/112/2/219/24241/Forging-a-field-the-golden-age-of-iron-biology.
Robbins, M. (2017). Iron Toxicity Post #56: How Anemia of Inflammation is misdiagnosed!. Retrieved from: https://therootcauseprotocol.com/iron-toxicity-post-56/.
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