Are you getting the “X” factor (hint: it’s really important!)?

Activator “X” aka the Price Factor was discovered by Dr. Weston A. Price while researching traditional diets. Today, we now know that the X factor is Vitamin K2.
As I talk about a lot, no vitamin or mineral works in isolation. Activator X’s namesake is due to the way fat-soluble vitamins like K2 act as catalysts for the assimilation of other nutrients. Price found that K2 was even more powerful than Vitamins A and D.
Given its immense impact on nutrient assimilation, K2 is important for BOTH you and baby. K2 is critical for:
〰️Energy production
〰️Steroid hormone production
〰️Reproduction (sperm has a K2-dependent protein)
〰️Proper bone structure and tooth development
〰️Neurological development
In his book, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,” Dr. Price notes that traditional diets usually had 10X the amount of “activators” than western diets. This gap is probably larger now, considering his book was originally printed in 1939.
K2 deficiency can look like:
〰️Cavities and other dental issues
〰️Structural breathing problems
〰️And other issues
Our gut flora can make some K2, so gut health can be a factor. It’s also primarily found in fermented foods and grass-fed organ meats and animal fats. My favorite way to get it is through poultry liver.
Want to learn more? Stay tuned for my upcoming course. Link in bio for updates.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Fallon, S. Cowan, T.S. (2013, 2015). The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. Washington, D.C.: NewTrends Publishing.
Functional Performance Systems. (2012). Bone Health and Vitamin K. Retrieved from:
Functional Performance Systems. (2012). Intestinal Bacteria Synthesize Vitamin K2. Retrieved from:
Functional Performance Systems. (2013). Vitamin K, Calcification and Atherosclerosis. Retrieved from:
Gordeladze, J.O. (2018). Vitamin K2: A Vitamin that Works like a Hormone, Impinging on Gene Expression. Retrieved from:
Nichols, L. (2018). Real Food for Pregnancy. United States.
Price, W.A. (1939). Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Lemon Grove, CA: Price & Pottenger.
Shanahan, C. (2017). Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Flatiron Books Publishing.
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