When your client increases her luteal phase, boosts her progesterone, gets pregnant and avoids miscarriage.
Do you have low progesterone? 🪫
If you’re trying to conceive, you probably know progesterone is very important.
But honestly, it feels like there’s a low progesterone epidemic.
It can look like:
🪫Pregnancy loss (including recurrent)
🪫Fibroids and/or fibrocystic breasts
🪫Breast tenderness
🪫Premenstrual spotting
🪫Luteal phase deficiency or short luteal phases
🪫Irregular cycles
🪫Weight loss resistance
🪫Anxiety and/or depression
🪫Mood swings
🪫Migraines and/or headaches
🪫Gallbladder issues
🪫Morning sickness
Before, my student did. She was struggling with PMS, short luteal phases, and long follicular phases.
She wanted to get pregnant, but she knew these were signs of low progesterone. Which would make it hard for her to STAY pregnant.
By implementing personalized changes to her nutrition and lifestyle, she:
✅ Lengthened her luteal phase (by a few days!)
✅ Increased her progesterone quickly
✅ Got pregnant shortly after
✅ Avoided pregnancy loss
✅ Had an amazing pregnancy
If you want to learn how to finally bypass the fluff about increasing your progesterone and get the real details on how you can actually do it for good check out my ecourse Conscious Conception.
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