When it feels like the world is against you..

Fertility opinions versus fertility truths…
Let’s talk about this, because when you’re trying to conceive, EVERYONE (and I mean everyone) has their opinions. And they aren’t shy to share them with you.
Some things you might hear that aren’t actually true but just opinions:
*Opinion: “You can’t increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally.”
✅ Truth: There are literally so many many nutritional and lifestyle factors that you can add/remove to increase your overall fertility and chances of getting pregnant.
*Opinion: “You can’t get pregnant after 35.”
✅ Truth: I literally help women do this all the time. Just last week my 45-year old student reached out with a big fat positive (BFP). If you have eggs and ovulate, you can still get pregnant.
*Opinion: “You can’t have a healthy baby after 35.”
✅ Truth: While there is a slightly higher chance of chromosomal abnormalities, it’s totally possible. So many of my clients and students have had healthy babies over 35.
The reason I point this out is because what we hear on a regular basis can actually become our truth if we unconsciously internalize it.
So this is my heart-felt plea for you to:
🤎 Be critical of the thoughts and opinions of others and how they might be impacting you.
🤎 Learn how to say “Thanks for sharing your opinion, but I’m not interested in what you have to say on this matter.” This CAN be done nicely and respectfully.
🤎 If something gets to you, say an affirmation, shake it off, and move on with a stride.✨
❔What are some opinions that you’ve heard recently on your conception journey?
Not medical advice or a personal recommendation.
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