What is fertility?

*A state of optimal health. A state of mental and physical safety. A state of reproductive desire. We have enough “Conception Energy.”
Regardless of our individual goals, our fertility is the focus of our biological design. It’s a vital sign that communicates with us from day to week to month.
*If there is something blocking our fertility, our menstrual cycle might try and communicate with us through:
∿ Amenorrhea
∿ Anovulation
∿ Endometriosis
∿ And other signs
The thing blocking our Conception Energy might not be in the reproductive system, but somewhere else in the body.
If we can look at it from a different light, our body is giving us the gift of information.
To listen to what our menstrual cycle is telling us is to honor ourselves.
Tune into Episode 2 of The Innate Wisdom Podcast with @dr.grace.tcm where we discuss alternative health strategies to support fertility and much more. And feel free to sign up for the wait list to my eCourse, Conscious Conception 2.0 that opens in spring/summer, where I teach you how to optimize your fertility to get pregnant and make healthy babies.
❔When you see the word fertility, what do you think of?
Not medical advice.
TTC? Get empowered with Conscious Conception, the ultimate fertility blueprint created to help you optimize your fertility and enter pregnancy empowered.
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