What if you found out you were pregnant right now?

“When I’m pregnant, I’ll…”
“When I’m pregnant I’ll eat better.”
“When I’m pregnant I’ll be more consistent about my supplements.”
“When I’m pregnant I’ll exercise.”
“When I’m pregnant I’ll work on my pelvic floor.”
“When I’m pregnant I’ll get more sleep.”
“When I’m pregnant I’ll start taking care of myself.”
So many of us wait too long to start investing in our fertility and making powerful changes.
The truth is that many of the above things can change the trajectory of when you get pregnant, the ease of your pregnancy, the smoothness of your postpartum, and the health of your child.
Because at the very moment of conception, a cascade of changes are triggered that depend on your health. Right then and there - not when you get your act together.
But what if you found out you were pregnant today? What would you change?
Would you eat better? Get more sleep? Slow down?
If you’re trying to conceive, this is your invitation to start acting like you're pregnant TODAY.
Learn how to use nutrition, lifestyle, supplements and more to manifest your pregnancy in my pregnancy prepeCourse, Conscious Conception. Course will launch in spring/summer, Get on the waitlist here to not miss any updates!
TTC? Get empowered with Conscious Conception, the ultimate fertility blueprint created to help you optimize your fertility and enter pregnancy empowered.
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