What Causes Insulin Resistance & Diabetes?

Before we dive in, let’s get some definitions out of the way.
🔑Insulin = Main anabolic hormone of the body, produced by the pancreas, that allows glucose (primary fuel of the body) to get into cells.
🛅Insulin Resistance = Pre-diabetes. Cells respond poorly poorly to insulin, leading to high blood sugar.
⤴️Diabetes = Chronically high blood sugar caused by the pancreas not being able to produce insulin (type 1) OR the pancreas not producing enough insulin or cellular resistance to insulin (type 2).
In the U.S., 1 in 3 people have insulin resistance and 10.5% of the population has diabetes. This is a very REAL and scary problem.
There are many factors when it comes to insulin resistance and diabetes, but guess what? It’s RARE that these are being driven by carbohydrates aka sugar. There are usually 2 factors always at play:
🧲IRON causes β cell (the cells that produce insulin) failure in the pancreas and insulin resistance. Iron also stimulates fat cells.
🛢️POLYUNSATURATED FATS (PUFAS) block our glucose from getting into cells and damage the pancreas. They also increase estrogen and block thyroid function, slowing down the metabolism even more.
In 1941 we started adding iron shavings to the food system. And in the 1950s, we swapped heart-healthy saturated fats for PUFAs (PS - consumption of PUFA like soybean oil has gone up by 1000% in the last decade alone). Since the introduction of these two factors, diabetes has skyrocketed.
Of course, there are many other factors that can drive these health problems, like:
Medications, incl. birth control
Magnesium and other mineral deficiencies
Poor gut function
Poor liver health
Estrogen dominance
Poor macronutrient balance
Poor diet in general
The conventional approach? Cut carbs or inject yourself with insulin. But these AREN’T the real problem and WON’T fix it (and in fact, may perpetuate the problem).
Insulin resistance and diabetes is a result of metabolic dysfunction. This is where we take a good look at our machinery AND how we’re using it (nutrition and lifestyle) to start making changes that will support better use of glucose and improve your overall metabolism.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
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