Welcome to the corner of the trying to conceive community where…
*We acknowledge both literature and our experiences,
*Where we respect others’ choices, but most of all the integrity of our own,
*Where we can listen to o thoughts openly and without judgment,
*Where we think before we act and choose wisely what we take in and incorporate,
*Where we own our emotions rather than projecting them onto others,
*Where we are grateful for both modern fertility technology and the traditions of our ancestors,
*Where we try to do better, but know that it doesn’t mean being perfect,
*We celebrate each others’ wins and hold space during times of need,
*Where we give ourselves grace,
*And where we’re humble enough to know that we won’t understand everything about God’s miracles.
TTC? Get empowered with Conscious Conception, the ultimate fertility blueprint created to help you optimize your fertility and enter pregnancy empowered.
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