Vitamin D Supplements Suppress the Immune System

A few of you have asked me: why do they make me feel good? ๐๐๐
Like the energy-giving and numbing effect stress hormones can have, just because something feels good doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good for us.
The main reason Vitamin D supplements can make someone feel better is because it shuts down a VERY important controller of the immune system.
This controller becomes heightened when there’s inflammation, pathogens, magnesium deficiency, excess iron…
Vitamin D suppresses this inflammatory controller, which is like shutting it in a closet and hoping it stays quiet until you deal with it later.
What most people miss the mark on is that Vitamin A (Retinol) actually coaxes it down and gets it to leave willingly.
If you feel immense relief with Vitamin D supplementation, it can be a sign of some serious dysfunction going on.
Instead of taking something that doesn’t necessarily solve the problem and can create new problems in the process (see my other posts on how it depletes copper, magnesium, potassium, Vitamin A, etc), wouldn’t it make sense to deal with those problems head-on so they don’t fester and snowball?
A lot of the time, Vitamin D supplementation is a short-term solution. A single supplement is likely not going to be an all-ecnompassing solution.
Getting to the root cause of inflammation can take time and work, but it’s so totally worth it.
Start by taking a look at your nutrition and lifestyle. How are you fueling yourself? How are you living your life?
Everyone’s history is so different so drivers can be too. Working with a practitioner that can help you identify them and start building your foundation up again can be pretty powerful too.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Xiong, S. She, H. Tsukamoto, H. (2004). Signaling role of iron in NF-kappa B activation in hepatic macrophages. Retrieved from:
Xing, S. Hongyun, S. Takeuchi, H. Han, B. Engelhardt, J.F. Barton, C.H. Zandi, E. Giulivi, C. (2003). Signaling Role of Intracellular Iron in NF-κB Activation. Retrieved from:
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