Vitamin D Supplements Deplete Copper, Potassium, Magnesium & Vitamin A

I’ve been getting TONS of questions about Vitamin D here we go with another goodie.
As you’ve seen from my previous posts, I’m NOT a fan of Vitamin D aka Hormone-D supplementation. 💊
Here are the main reasons I think they’re unhelpful and potential harmful to health:
💥D supplements deplete Vitamin A (Retinol). “Even modest amounts of Vitamin D, whether provided by UV-light or in the liver, decrease liver stores of Vitamin A; when doses are larger, they decrease plasma levels of Vitamin A as well.”
You NEED Vitamin A to ACTIVATE Vitamin D. When you take Vitamin D supplements, you’re taking the STORAGE form. Only the ACTIVE form is what Vitamin D is so well-known for. And with the mega doses of Vitamin D people are taking, you can bet their Vitamin A is in the gutter.
💥D supplements deplete Copper. Aside from depleting Vitamin A, which you NEED to ACTIVATE Copper too, Vitamin D supplementation triggers the synthesis of metallothionein, a protein that binds up copper in the body in a MAJOR way. Without Copper, you can’t make ENERGY OR manage iron. This means slower metabolism and iron overload.
💥D supplements deplete Magnesium. Magnesium is needed in almost EVERY single step of Vitamin D synthesis AND conversion from storage to active. We’re already magnesium-deficient as a society and taking Vitamin D supplements exacerbates this.
💥D supplements deplete Potassium. We’ve known this for almost 60 years!!! Vitamin D supplementation depletes our cells of Potassium in our kidneys and potentially other organs. When Potassium leaves our cells, it leaves them more vulnerable to an increase in Calcium and Iron in the cells...where they SHOULD NOT be (hello kidney stones!).
Our body was DESIGNED to store and release Hormone-D during the winter months. Supplementation should only be considered for those people with active genetic defects.
☀️So, GO outside. Eat eggs and non-fortified dairy. And THINK TWICE before you supplement Vitamin D!☀️
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
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Mawson, A.R. (2013). Role of Fat-Soluble Vitamins A and D in the Pathogenesis of Influenza: A New Perspective. Retrieved from:
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Robbins, M. (2016). Iron Toxicity Post #38: Why Vitamin D and iron is not a good idea!. Retrieved from:
Robbins, M. (2018). Iron Toxicity Post #74: Why I “D”etest Hormone-D Supplements. Retrieved from:
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