The truth about making more progesterone...

cycle ovulation progesterone
The truth about making more progesterone...

Everyone, literally everyone, seems to be trying to increase their progesterone levels. It’s like a national emergency.

And there’s so much noise out there.

Yes, you have to ovulate to make progesterone. There’s no way around that.

But you can still ovulate and make abysmal amounts of progesterone.

If you really think about it. I mean REALLY think about it, the amount of progesterone you make (key word) in any given cycle is wholly dependent on the quality of your follicle.

Because your follicle that releases that egg during ovulation turns into the corpus luteum that makes progesterone.

It takes 100+ days for that follicle to finish maturing. And during that journey, your follicle is the most vulnerable it will ever be.

If you seriously want to increase the amount of progesterone you make, one of the fundamental things you need to be looking at is increasing the quality of your follicles.

Why? Because the progesterone you make is better than any singular progesterone you can take.

Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

What questions do you have about progesterone and/or egg quality? 


Briden, L. (2017). Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods. Lara Briden, ND.

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