The Case for Organic: Glyphosate

Organic produce isn’t perfect. The use of NPK fertilizer has both consequences for the soil and the plants growing in them. BUT, it’s still better than consuming conventional crops grown with glyphosate.
Glyphosate, also known as Roundup, is an herbicide designed to kill weeds and grasses. 250 million pounds are sprayed on American crops every year. It gets incorporated INTO our food - it cannot be washed off.
It’s used to grow fruits and vegetables, grains, legumes, herbs and spices, and seed oils. It’s also used in our parks, forests, sports fields, lawns, wildlife management areas, and more. If you live near a farm, it could be in the air you’re breathing. It can also be found in tap water.
I personally try my best to avoid it because it:
-Chelates Copper, which you NEED to make energy...inability to create energy = disease
-Replaces glycine, a key amino acid in collagen and critical for DNA, bone formation, all connective tissue, methylation, detoxification, blood pressure management
-Disrupts Cytochrome P450 Enzymes, which are responsible for activating Hormone-D in the liver and kidneys (hello immune suppression!)
-Prevents superoxide from oxidizing Sulfur, required for detoxification
-Depletes Manganese, a coenzyme required for metabolism, bone formation, and free radical defense
-Alters gut bacteria, killing off potential good strains
-It impairs the enzyme called eNOS, responsible for making Cholesterol Sulfate
-Chelates Zinc, which is required to activate Hormone-D
-Increases uptake of toxin arsenic and heavy metal aluminum
-Disrupts hormone function in humans and animals
-Independent research found that it increases our cancer risk by 41.7%
All this said, not everyone can afford organic produce. That’s why in my next post, I’ll be covering the Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen. Stay tuned!
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
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