All About Bee Pollen

Bee pollen can be a wonderful addition to a well-rounded nutrition and lifestyle strategy. But what makes it so great?
Bee pollen is actually a mixture of pollen and nectar from whatever plants the bees were foraging, along with wax, honey, enzymes and other bee excretions. Honey bees collect pollen from plants to bring back to their beehive to feed the colony.
Since bee pollen comes from plants, its nutrient profile is determined by the plants it's collected from, as well as the time of year it’s collected. Bee pollen contains some pretty awesome nutrients, including:
〰️Thiamine (B1)
〰️Niacin (B3)
〰️Biotin (B7)
〰️Folate (B9)
〰️Vitamin E
〰️Vitamin C
〰️Antioxidants (flavonoids, quercetin, glutathione and others)
〰️Enzymes (kaempferol, amylase, catalase, diastase, pectase, transferase, phosphatase)
The components in bee pollen may help:
〰️Improve metabolic function
〰️Increase muscle mass
〰️Reduce chronic inflammation
〰️Increase wound healing
〰️Fight inf3ct!0n
〰️Protect against lipid peroxidation
〰️Lower cholesterol
〰️Support the liver
〰️Increase mineral absorption
〰️Reduce allergies
〰️Oppose estrogen
It takes a honey bee about 6 weeks to collect just 1 teaspoon of bee pollen. This said, it’s a food that I honor and consume with great care and thanks.
When buying bee pollen, it’s important to make sure:
〰️It’s organic, so you’re not getting pesticide candy
〰️It doesn’t have any additives, which is common in supplement form
〰️It hasn’t been heated or dried, which can destroy beneficial enzymes
Finding and supporting a local beekeeper is your best bet. :)
All of this said, if you have any bee allergies, it’s probably wisest to refrain from consuming bee products. And always consult with your healthcare provider.
Not medical advice.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
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