Should I Take a Multi-Vitamin? Should I Take a Prenatal?

From a young age, we start taking multivitamin chewables and gummies. Females wanting to conceive are encouraged to start taking prenatals.
Most of us take these because we think they’ll improve our health. What if they don’t?
Synthetic nutrients will never hold a candle to those found in nature, and often have questionable sources. Hear me out…
▫️Synthetic Vitamin A feeds pathogens. If beta-Carotene is used, you still feed pathogens and you get 12X less Vitamin A (retinol).
▫️Synthetic Vitamin E is derived from petrochemicals.
▫️Almost all synthetic B Vitamins are processed by a single tar/chemical company, and made from coal tar and sewage sludge.
▫️60% of us cannot convert synthetic B9, folic acid, into folate (due to copper deficiency). Supplementing when you can’t convert it can actually increase fetal neural tube defects.
▫️Almost all synthetic Vitamin C comes from a facility that makes ascorbic acid from sulfuric acid and cornstarch. Ascorbic acid is just the outer shell of the Vitamin C COMPLEX. Ascorbic acid is a pro-oxidant and depletes your copper.
▫️Hormone D, cholecalciferol, is rat poison.
▫️Copper is in the +2, oxidized form.
▫️Some prenatals contain as much as 65 mg of iron! With our iron recycling system, we only need 1 mg a day. Iron feeds pathogens, can lead to anemia and depletes copper among many, many other issues.
▫️ Copper mobilizes iron at a high rate. You must have foundations in place to detox iron.
▫️Hormone-D supps can cause calcification, suppress Vitamin A and deplete magnesium, as well as potassium.
▫️Aside from the fact that D supps aren't a good idea, the ratio of D to A is usually too highly skewed towards D.
▫️Zinc competes with copper and supps can create copper-deficiency.
▫️There’s usually 2X as much calcium as magnesium - it should be flipped.
Of course, we may need specific supplementation. But instead of relying on a multi or prenatal as a kind of blanket health insurance, create nutrition and foundations that will support your goals and long-term health.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
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