Prenatals Don’t Contain All The Nutrients You Need For A Healthy Pregnancy And Baby

There. I said it!
There’s a big misconception that prenatal vitamins contain all of the nutrients you need to support yourself during pregnancy.
*The truth is that most:
⇴ Supplements are not regulated by the FDA
⇴ Nutrients provided are at bare minimum levels for survival
⇴ Contain poor forms of nutrients (companies gotta make $)
⇴ Don’t take into account nutrient interactions (hello, iron and calcium aren’t the only ones that compete for absorption)
⇴Prenatals are missing key nutrients
In fact, “Despite the vitamin supplementation, a high percent of vitamin A, B6, niacin. thiamine and B12 hypovitaminemia was noted during pregnancy trimesters.” (Baker et al)
And take Choline for example. It’s been shown to prevent neural tube defects, but I would guess that it’s missing in 99% of prenatals I’ve seen on the market.
*What’s also true?
Nature is pretty dang smart. Nutrients work synergistically and not in isolation. Mother nature provides nutrients in the groups and ratios intended. For this reason, nutrients from food will always be superior to and cannot be replaced by nutrients from supplements, especially synthetic soups.
The word “supplement” is defined as “a thing that is added to something else to improve or complete it.” Notice that it doesn’t say “replace it.”
Again, what you EAT is always going to be MORE IMPORTANT than what you SUPPLEMENT.
That said, there’s always a time and a place for supplements, which can be a great tool. Even though I’m extremely picky about supplements, I still take them.
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And stay tuned for version 2.0 of my signature eCourse, Conscious Conception, where I teach you exactly what to look for in a prenatal so that you can find one that suits your specific needs. Course will launch in spring/summer, Get on the waitlist here to not miss any updates!
Absolutely not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider.
Baker, H. DeAngelis, B. Holland, B. Gittens-Williams, L. Barrett Jr, T. (2002). Vitamin profile of 563 gravidas during trimesters of pregnancy. Retrieved from:
Ladipo, O.A. (2000). Nutrition in pregnancy: mineral and vitamin supplements. Retrieved from:
Lexico. Supplement. Retrieved from:
NIH. (2016). Vitamin supplementation in pregnancy. Retrieved from:
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