
Let’s give a shout out to one of my favorite fruits on rotation, papaya.
I absolutely love eating this buttery and sweet tropical fruit, especially in the summer. There are so many reasons to eat papaya, including the papain enzyme, which helps break down protein, plus good levels of potassium, folate (B9), antioxidants, and trace amounts of calcium, magnesium, B1, B3, B5, E and K. It’s low fiber, so it can be a great option for people with gut dysbiosis. But I especially love it for its Vitamin C content (157% RDI)!
Real Vitamin C is something many people are lacking. And no, I’m not talking about the ascorbic acid in your nuun drinks or Emergen-C. What you’re about to read may surprise you...
Vitamin C stands for citrus (where it can be found) and collagen (the main structural protein for which it’s a cofactor). What many people don’t know is that it’s actually a complex of ascorbic acid, rutin, bioflavonoids, Factor K, Factor J, Factor P, ascorbinogen, ascorbinogen bioflavonoids - and at the center, tyrosinase, which contains 4 copper atoms.
This complex helps prevent the formation of free radicals, as well as supports adrenal function (holds 95% of our stored C!), immune system function, thyroid function and blood sugar regulation. Its relationship with collagen also makes it good for tissue healing/protection, digestion, fertility (hello progesterone!) and stomach acid production. Without Vitamin C, our internal infrastructure would literally fall apart (aka scurvy).
As Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Szent-Györgyi discovered, ascorbic acid is just the outer shell of the complex. Supplementation actually causes chelation (removal) of its missing components, sucking them out of and depleting you. Most notably, it messes with your copper metabolism, which inherently messes with your energy production. No bueno.
I love natural sources of Vitamin C like papaya because you get the complex’s full benefits. I usually eat half of a papaya with a sprinkle of sea salt with breakfast, alongside scrambled eggs. This combo is perfect for keeping my blood sugar balanced and providing me adequate fuel for my morning.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Butler, N. (2017). What are the health benefits of papaya?. Retrieved from:
Haas, E. M. Levin, B. (2006). Staying Healthy with Nutrition. New York, NY: Ten Speed Press.
Robbins, M. (2016). Darren McDuffie brings you Morley Robbins’ and “The Role of Iron and Copper Dysregulation In The Body”. Retrieved from:
Solani, F. (2018). On the Metal Cofactor in the Tyrosinase Family. Retrieved from:
Spritzler, F. (2018). 8 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Papaya. Retrieved from:
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