Toxemia (Pre-Eclampsia & Eclampsia) of Pregnancy

“Among physicians, toxemia (meaning poisons in the blood) has been used synonymously with preeclampsia, to refer to the syndrome in pregnant women of high blood pressure, albumin in the urine, and edema, sometimes ending in convulsions.” — Dr. Ray Peat
Usually, there is a decline in liver and kidney function.
“...occasionally preeclampsia develops into full blown eclampsia, characterized by what is referred to as the HELLP syndrome-hemolysis (breaking of the red blood cells), elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count. In addition to swelling, other symptoms can include headache nausea and vomiting, upper abdominal pain and vision problems.
[It] can have serious consequences, including permanent liver and kidney damage in the mother and death in the infant; the conventional treatment is to deliver the baby as soon as possible; even if premature. In most cases, however, the preeclampsia is mild, often manifesting simply as elevated blood pressure without any other symptoms.” — Dr. Thomas Cowan & Sally Fallon
Preeclampsia occurs in 1 in 25 women in the United States and rates continue to increase.
There are many things that increase risk for preeclampsia, but two key factors are extremely clear: malnutrition and stress.
Dr. Tom Brewer, well-known Nutritional Counselor for Pregnant Women, was outspoken that toxemia was an issue of malnutrition and metabolism. When there’s a deficiency in nutrients, especially many, the metabolism suffers greatly.
And women are more stressed than ever today. The mental, physical, emotional, chemical, nutritional, etc. stressors we experience every day continue to grow. When we’re under stress, we burn through minerals.
Malnutrition + stress — or individually — can cause estrogen dominance, which is another impacting factor in preeclampsia. Excess estrogen also promotes stress.
A nutrient-dense diet, proper food frequency and other stress management techniques can be simple but huge in resolving preeclampsia naturally.
While most cases can be managed with nutrition, this doesn’t apply to all cases. Not medical advice.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Ananth, C.V. (2013). Pre-eclampsia rates in the United States, 1980-2010: age-period-cohort analysis. Retrieved from:
Brewer, G.S. Brewer, T. (1977, 1985). What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know: The Truth About Diet and Drugs in Pregnancy. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books.
CDC. (2020). High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy. Retrieved from:,which%20is%20a%20medical%20emergency..
Fallon, S. Cowan, T.S. (2013, 2015). The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. Washington, D.C.: NewTrends Publishing.
Functional Performance Systems. (2012). Role of Serotonin in Preeclampsia. Retrieved from:
Martin, N. Montagne, R. (2017). The Last Person You’d Expect to Die in Childbirth. Retrieved from:
Peat, R. Eclampsia in the Real Organism: A Paradigm of General Distress Applicable in Infants, Adults, Etc. Retrieved from:
Peat, R. (1997). From PMS to Menopause. Eugene, OR.
Shanahan, C. (2017). Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Flatiron Books Publishing.
Wade, C. (1970). The Rejuvenation Vitamin. New York, NY: Award Books. London, England: Tandem Books.
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