Elimination is one of the primary ways we remove toxins, old hormones, and heavy metals from our bodies.

balancing hormones constipation estrogren hypothyroidism pooping

All right everyone, it was only a matter of time before I talked about poop aka elimination. đź’© Why? Because it’s important. And it can tell us a lot about your current state of health.
Elimination is the primary way we physically remove toxins, old hormones, etc. from our bodies. Not only does constipation mean these waste products are getting recirculated, but it can be a sign of a suppressed metabolism.
No, it's not a green juice or detox tea deficiency.
Stress is probably the number one constipation culprit I see in my practice. When stressed, the body goes into survival mode and puts pause on digestion. We produce way less stomach acid and digestive enzymes. Peristalsis, the auto-contractions and relaxation of digestive muscles, is also impaired.
Estrogen dominance and thyroid issues, which usually go hand-in-hand with stress, can also be culprits. Unfortunately, there can be a bit of a vicious cycle when it comes to these and digestion. In short, both can lead to a buildup of estrogen, which in turn slows down the metabolism, which slows down digestion.
Irritated guts from excessive consumption of abrasive foods that damage the gut lining can also be a culprit. I see this a lot. Missing the ingredients required to create proper stomach acid and digestive juices can also be a culprit.
Constipation can also occur during pregnancy for many reasons out of our control. The tips below can still help. I work hard to get all my mamas-to-be in a good place prior to conception to minimize issues during pregnancy.
A healthy poop cadence will look different for everyone, but it will be AT LEAST 1-3X daily. A few things that help BREAK THE PATTERN:
〰️Sit down. This can help shift us from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest.”
〰️Remove distractions. Phones, TVs, books, etc. If you’re driving, pull over. Really be present.
〰️Stop shoveling food in your mouth like you’re a human garbage can. Slow down. Chew your food.
〰️Hydrate. Properly. See my other posts about this.
〰️Minimize gut-irritating foods.
〰️Find your fiber sweet spot.
〰️Work on improving vagal tone.
〰️Assess nutrient deficiencies.
Not medical advice.



This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.



Littlewood, K. (2019). A Bioenergetic Approach to Restoring Gut Function - Part 2. Retrieved from: https://balancedbodymind.com/blog/tag/constipation.

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Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here. While the owner of this website tries to keep the information up to date, there may be things that are out-of-date and out of their control.