Let's Compare Sources of Folate 🥬🥬🥬

folate nutrients

Most of us know how important Folate is to fertility and pregnancy. And a deficiency in Folate can lead to issues with:


✹Egg quality and female fertility

✹Sperm quality and male fertility

✹Spina bifida

✹Neural tube defects


✹Megaloblastic anemia


When it comes to getting more Folate in our diet, we constantly hear we should be loading up on leafy greens. But how accurate is that, really?


Let’s take a look at a few leafy green varieties in comparison to beef liver, one of the richest sources of Folate on the planet.


To get the same amount of Folate in 3 oz of beef liver, you would have to eat:


~70 cups watercress

~43 cups swiss chard

~11 cups kale

~11 cups arugula

~4 cups collard greens


Of course, there are other types of leafy greens and these were specifically chosen for impact. And we should still include them in our diets if they work for us and if they’re properly prepared.


But what I’m trying to demonstrate here is that not all leafy greens are created equal or are actually rich in Folate. And if we hyperfocus on only these for our Folate intake, we might be missing out on some other SUPER rich sources of Folate (and other nutrients!) that can truly fortify our fertility and pregnancy for the better.


Organ meats, like liver for example, in general can be a great source of Folate and help us meet our daily requirements easily. Alone it’s a rich source of Folate. Pair this with some properly-prepared leafy greens and we can have ourselves a Folate-rich meal that’s seriously next-level.


Learn how to meet your Folate requirements through food, different types of Folate supplements, what to do if you have MTHFR, and way more in my eCourse, Conscious Conception.


Not medical advice.

Enoe, A. (2021). The 13 Healthiest Leafy Green Vegetables. Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/leafy-green-vegetables#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2.


The Fertility Institute. (2020). Can Folic Acid For Fertility Help Us Conceive?. Retrieved from: https://fertilityinstitute.com/blog/folic-acid-for-fertility/.


National Institutes of Health (NIH). (2021). Folate Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. Retrieved from: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Folate-HealthProfessional/.

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      Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here. While the owner of this website tries to keep the information up to date, there may be things that are out-of-date and out of their control.