Hormonal Contraceptives: Supporting Your Body On Or Coming Off

There are many things to consider when making the choice to either get on or get off of hormonal contraceptives (HCs). Either way, here are a few key areas that we can support to minimize symptoms as much as possible!
Replenish. It’s no secret that medications, like HCs, can be depleting. Mostly due to, but not limited to, the immense nutritional demand required for phase 1 and 2 detoxification, HCs increase the need for most B Vitamins, Vitamins A, Ⓒ, E and K, magnesium, selenium zinc, CoQ10 and bioavailable copper. (Brighten, Hendrickson-Jack, Naish)
Tips: Prioritize nutrient and mineral-rich whole foods to get the biggest bang for your buck. And try to minimize things that will deplete nutrients further, such as excess alcohol consumption and other toxins.
Liver and gallbladder support. The liver is exceptionally good at detoxifying substances, including medications like hormonal contraceptives, via phase 1 and 2 detox. But there comes a point when depending on our other lifestyle and nutritional choices, the liver can become overwhelmed. Detox phases may no longer occur efficiently. We may also have bile issues.
Tips: Eat enough, especially protein and carbohydrates. Incorporate bitter foods like properly-prepared dandelion greens. Consider glandular supplements (like supports like!), digestive bitters and castor oil packs.
Gut support. The gut is responsible for much more than phase 3 detox (elimination). HCs disrupt normal gut flora and can calso impact gut integrity. (Brighten) This may lead to constipation, estrogen reactivation via beta glucuronidase (Gunter), difficulty absorbing nutrients, dysbiosis, and other issues.
Tips: Find your fiber sweet spot. Hydrate with adequate electrolytes. Make sure you’re having regular and satisfying bowel movements. Consider a spore-based probiotic.
Thyroid support and stress reduction. HCs mess with the OAT axis and increase oxidative stress (Cauci et al). They increase thyroid-binding globulin (TBG), which can bind to free thyroid hormone, and cortisol-binding globulin, which binds to cortisol. (Brighten) This can impair thyroid function and reduce our ability to anti-inflame.
Tips: Consume thyroid-nutrients like selenium, copper, zinc, Vitamin A and B Vitamins, most readily available in animal foods like meat, dairy and seafood. Practice stress management techniques to reduce overall inflammation, like getting adequate sleep and sunlight, grounding, mindfulness practices and others.
Hopefully these help you, regardless of your status with HCs. A few of my favorite books on this topic are:
“Beyond the Pill” by Dr. Jolene Brighten
“Period Repair Manual” by Dr. Lara Briden
ALWAYS consult your doctor before making a decision like beginning or stopping hormonal contraceptives, as well as any nutrition, supplement and lifestyle changes.
Not medical advice.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Brighten, J. (2019). Beyond the Pill. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.
Cauci, S. Buligan, C. Marangone, M. Francescato, M.P. (2016). Oxidative Stress in Female Athletes Using Combined Oral Contraceptives. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5031583/.
Hendrickson-Jack, L. (2019). The Fifth Vital Sign. Fertility Friday Publishing.
Gunter, J. (2021). The estrogen-poop connection: Debunking the myth about a daily bowel movement and your hormones. Retrieved from: https://vajenda.substack.com/p/the-estrogen-poop-connection/.
Naish, F. (2000). Natural Fertility. Bowral, AU: Sally Milner Publishing Pty Ltd.
Peat, R. (2006). Tissue-bound estrogen in aging. Retrieved from: http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/tissue-bound-estrogen.shtml.
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