What Does Your Low Libido Mean?

Even if it’s not your personal goal, reproduction is our biological purpose. Because of this, our sex drive is not only an indicator of when we’re fertile, but our overall health too.
Many may be familiar with the frisky feeling they get about 5 days before ovulation when testosterone starts to rise. Sperm lives about this long — this timing is all part of mother nature’s design, so that we can reproduce when we’re most fertile.
Our libido can continue strong through the second half of our cycle (our luteal phase) if we produce enough progesterone.
Lack of libido can be a sign that our fertility and health may be struggling.
Like I’ve talked about before, when we’re in a stressed state from undernourishment, excessive exercise, emotional stress, etc. — our body goes into survival mode and redirects its resources to keep you alive.
Reproduction takes a back seat. We make stress hormones instead of hormones like testosterone and progesterone. We can’t convert thyroid hormone. We can’t detoxify excess estrogen.
An unquenchable sex drive can often indicate estrogen dominance. Several clients of mine have indicated this ravenousness in their worst state of health.
Hormonal birth control can permanently impact libido. It causes the liver to produce 4X the normal amount of sexhormonebindingglobuin (SBGH) which binds to testosterone. SBGH production can stay elevated many months or even permanently post-pill. In fact, women that use the pill are 32% more likely to experience female sexual dysfunction and 8.7% are more likely to experience an orgasm disorder.
In short, a good libido can = good health.
So how can you raise your libido naturally?
Reduce stress by fueling yourself well and frequently
Eat a diet rich in minerals and vitamins
Breath through your nose, not through your mouth!
Say “no” more often and protect your energy
Do things that are creative and that you love, especially with your partner
Talk to your doctor about getting off unnecessary medications
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Brighten, J. (2019). Beyond the Pill. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.
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