How Strict Do You Have to Be to Achieve Health?

Someone recently asked me: how strict do I have to be to achieve optimal health?
And it broke my heart.
If we have to be “strict,” then what we’re doing isn’t working for us. We’re RE-stricting and depriving ourselves (of something we might actually need), which doesn’t really do anything for our health and often pushes us further into dysfunction.
Instead of worrying about sticking to a specific type of diet or cutting out whole food groups and macronutrients or taking dozens of supplements that we don't even know what they do or adopting a lifestyle that takes US completely OUT of the equation…
Why don’t we…
Upgrade our health with higher-quality food swaps, figure out food frequency that supports us to do the things that we love and build long-lasting habits that over time that enable our body to do the work for us?
It’s all about finding BALANCE. And that balance is going to look different from person to person. Because health should be SUSTAINABLE.
Of course it’s easier said than done, but what I’m basically trying to say is CHILL. :)
And the next time you feel like you can’t do something because you’re trying to be “good” or “healthy”...ask yourself: is it really good or healthy?
Some food for thought.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Haas, E. M. Levin, B. (2006). Staying Healthy with Nutrition. New York, NY: Ten Speed Press.
Smith, A.A. (2020). The 2020 Practitioner’s Guide to Zinc and Zinc Supplements. Retrieved from:
Spencer, H. Rubio, N. Kramer, L. Norris, C. Osis, D. (1987). Effect of zinc supplements on the intestinal absorption of calcium. Retrieved from:,of%20calcium%20in%20adult%20males..
West, H. (2018). The 10 Best Foods That Are High In Zinc. Retrieved from:
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