Pregnancy Spacing & The Sibling Strategy

This post is for those who want to learn more about the connection between pregnancy spacing + mother/child health. With all my đź’“, if you’re not ready to hear this info, I kindly ask that you stop here and come back if/when you’re ready.
Pregnancy spacing refers to the time from one pregnancy until the next. Spacing a birth and pregnancy 18 months has been shown to reduce adverse birth outcomes, including long-term health issues for baby. (March of Dimes) Spacing can also support mom’s health, because of the nutritional demand of each pregnancy. (Thompson)
The Sibling Symmetry Shift refers to changes in form and function from one child to another. The shorter the span between siblings, the more health changes can be observed due to nutritional deficiencies. Mothers can utilize The Sibling Strategy, which involves replenishing 3-4 years in between pregnancies and having a fortifying preconception nutrition plan. (Shanahan)
Traditional cultures also spaced children 2.5-3 years to ensure the health of the mother and survival of the next child. (Price)
Hope you find this information as fascinating as I do! If you want to learn more about how to replenish for your first or next pregnancy, I created my eCourse, Conscious Conception, for exactly this. (link in bio)
Not medical advice.
Not medical advice.
Este post es para aquellos que desean aprender más sobre la conexión entre el espaciamiento del embarazo + la salud de la madre/hijo.
El espaciamiento del embarazo is el tiempo desde un embarazo hasta el siguiente. Espaciar un nacimiento y un embarazo a los 18 meses reduce los resultados adversos del nacimiento, incluidos los problemas de salud a largo plazo para el bebé. (March of Dimes)
Cuanto más corto es el lapso entre hermanos, más cambios de salud se pueden observar debido a deficiencias nutricionales. Las madres pueden utilizar la Estrategia de Hermanos, que implica reponer 3-4 años entre embarazos y tener un plan de nutrición fortificante antes de la concepción. (Shanahan)
Obtenga más información sobre cómo reponerse para su primer o próximo embarazo en mi curso electrónico, Conscious Conception. (enlace en la biografía)
No consejo médico.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Fallon, S. Cowan, T.S. (2013, 2015). The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. Washington, D.C.: NewTrends Publishing.
March of Dimes. Birth Spacing and Birth Outcomes Fact Sheet. Retrieved from:
Nichols, L. (2018). Real Food for Pregnancy. United States.
Thompson, R. Barnes, K. (2008). The Calcium Lie. United States: InTruth Press.
Shanahan, C. (2017). Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Flatiron Books Publishing.
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