Going Back to the Gym Post-Shutdown

Some gyms are reopening in Denver tomorrow (yay!). While most of you are probably itching to get back, it’s important to do so very CAREFULLY.
If you’ve been training at the same volume and capacity before the lock down, you probably have nothing to worry about. HOWEVER, if you’ve scaled down your workouts or used the lock down as an opportunity to take a break from the gym, it’s vital that you EASE IN.
It’s not the newbie that’s most at-risk for getting injured in the gym - it’s actually the DE-CONDITIONED athlete! Here are a few tips to make your foray back into the gym smoother:
1. For as much time you’ve taken off, you SHOULD take just as much time to get back to where you were. Taken it easy for 10 weeks? Take 10 weeks to progressively work back up to intensity and volume.
2. Scale your weight. I’m personally going to be working at no more than 50% for a few weeks. Don’t go 1-rep maxing for a few MONTHS.
3. Scale your reps. You have to earn back your intensity. You don’t want to go into the gym, overdo it and not be able to come back for a week because you literally can’t walk.
4. Listen to your body. I’m not joking about this one. You may need to take more rest days than ever before. That’s OKAY - your body is getting readjusted. The more space you give it, the more it will thank you and work in your favor.
5. Don’t be afraid to ask your coach for modifications. If things are feeling harder and/or more uncomfortable than usual, that’s OKAY too. Moving the way you used to may take a little while, but you can still move and use progressions.
6. Use this time as an opportunity to fix your TECHNIQUE. What better way to do things the way we know we “should” be doing than at lower volume and intensity? Now is the time to rebuild a GREAT foundation for future workouts to come!
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
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