Does holding your legs up increase your chances of pregnancy?

pregnancy pregnancy prep ttc
Does holding your legs up increase your chances of pregnancy?

Have you ever put your legs up to increase chances of pregnancy?

Let’s talk about this one.

You may have heard, read or seen (especially in movies) that holding up your legs after penetrative intimacy can increase your chances of conceiving.

The idea behind this is that gravity will help the sperm flow towards the cervix to the fallopian tubes so they can fertilize the egg that awaits them.

And the jury is (almost) out.

Raising your ankles above your head or tilting your pelvis back isn’t really backed by the literature. One piece does show that women who lay still versus getting up and moving around after artificial insemination via assisted reproduction experienced an increase in pregnancy rates from 18% to 27%.

The truth is that healthy sperm swim fast. Very fast. And even though they have a relatively long way to go in order to reach the egg waiting for them, arguably the healthiest ones will make it their first and on their own. Sperm weren’t built to rely on gravity.

→ And those are the ones you want.⭐

That said, lying still, putting your feet up, etc. probably won’t hurt. It’s free and if you have the time, it might be a nice way to relax (and lowering stress can be very good for improving chances!)

So how can you really (for real) increase your chances of pregnancy?

✨ Time intercourse accurately in your fertile window

✨ Replenish and build nutrient stores with nutrient-dense foods

✨ Support healthy blood sugar balance

✨ Incorporate strategic supplements

✨ Find your exercise and movement sweet spot

✨ Minimize stress and unhealthy coping skills

✨ Use caffeine wisely and limit alcohol, smoking and recreational substances

❔What’s your experience with holding up your legs? 

Learn more about how to prepare for pregnancy with intention and pass on the health wealth in my eCourse, Conscious Conception. Course will launch in spring/summer,  Get on the waitlist here to not miss any updates!


Not medical advice or a personal recommendation.


Celestine, C. (2022). Does Holding Your Legs Up Help You Get Pregnant? The Facts. Retrieved from:

Custers, I.M. Flierman, P.A. Maas, P. Cox, T. H M Van Dessel, T.J. Gerards, M.H. Mochtar, M.H. H Janssehn, C.A. (2009). Immobilisation versus immediate mobilisation after intrauterine insemination: randomised controlled trial. Retrieved from:

Huberman, A. (2023). How to Optimize Fertility in Males & Females. Retrieved from:

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Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here. While the owner of this website tries to keep the information up to date, there may be things that are out-of-date and out of their control.