Do You Think These Have Real Vitamin C?

Do you think these contain real Vitamin C? Do you take them daily? You may want to reconsider.
Virtually all supplemental Vitamin C found in energy drinks, hydration powders, immune elixirs, multi-vitamins, prenatals, coconut water (gasp)...the list goes Ascorbic Acid.
Ascorbic Acid is synthetic and pretty much all of it is manufactured at a facility that makes it from sulfuric acid and cornstarch. Ascorbic Acid is NOT real Vitamin C.
Vitamin C stands for “citrus” (where it can be found) and “collagen” (the main structural protein for which it’s a cofactor). Real Vitamin C is a COMPLEX of:
⚛️Ascorbic Acid
⚛️Factor K
⚛️Factor J
⚛️Factor P
⚛️Ascorbinogen bioflavonoids
⚛️Tyrosinase (which contains 4 copper atoms)
This complex helps with so many things, including:
🙅♀️Preventing the formation of free radicals
🏃♀️Supporting adrenal function (holds 95% of our stored C!)
🦠Immune system function
🦋Thyroid function
🍬Blood sugar regulation
⛑️Tissue healing/protection (preventing scurvy)
🐣Fertility (hello progesterone!)
🍓Stomach acid production/digestion
Ascorbic Acid is just the outer shell of the Vitamin C COMPLEX and is actually a PRO-oxidant — not an antioxidant. In your body, it will look to complete itself with its missing components, taking them FROM YOU.
One of the most important things it takes is incredibly important copper that helps us create energy and manage iron. When copper is depleted, all havoc wreaks. Taking these daily, especially mega-doses, will demolish your body’s copper won't be able to make energy, which you need for all biological processes!
What do I do instead?
🍊🍋🥭🥝🍓Consume WHOLE FOOD Vitamin C like guava, kiwi, lemons, papayas, strawberries, oranges, mango, kiwi, grapefruit, pears, pineapple, etc. throughout the day to continuously replenish.
💊You can also look into a Whole Food Vitamin C supplement.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Harris, E.D. Percival, S.S. (1991). A Role for Ascorbic Acid in Copper Transport. Retrieved from:
Kell, D.B. (2009). Iron behaving badly: inappropriate iron chelation as a major contributor to the aetiology of vascular and other progressive inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Retrieved from:
Lovstad, R.A. (1996). On the mechanism of citrate inhibition of ceruloplasmin ferroxidase activity. Retrieved from:
Osaki, S. McDermott, J.A. Frieden, E. (1964). Proof for the Ascorbate Oxidase Activity of Ceruloplasmin. Retrieved from:
Schierling, R. (2018). Are You Taking Vitamin B? Or Are You Taking Coal Tar or Sewage Sludge? Retrieved from:
Witwicki, J. Chidambaram, M.V. Frieden, E. (1983). Identification of citrate as the albumin-bound inhibitor of the ferroxidase activity of ceruloplasmin. Retrieved from:
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