Do you really have “copper toxicity”? Or is it really copper dysregulation?

Copper toxicity is another “hot” item these days, especially with practitioners that do Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). By no means am I here to undermine anyone’s symptoms or success in addressing this issue. I am just here to provide an alternative perspective.
“Unbound” copper is a term you’ll hear when talking about copper toxicity. While there isn’t really such a thing as unbound copper, there is such a thing as copper that has been “unbound” from ceruloplasmin.
Ceruloplasmin is a master antioxidant. Without it, the many important copper enzymes cannot perform their functions. As I’ve talked about before, the body needs real Vitamin A (retinol) to load copper into this protein. When not bound to ceruloplasmin, copper is bound to other proteins (just not as functional or powerful).
Copper toxicity and copper deficiency symptoms overlap quite a bit:
〰️Physical and mental fatigue
〰️Nervousness and irritability
〰️Schizophrenia and other mental disorders
〰️Discoloration of skin and/or hair
〰️Weakened immunity
〰️Cardiovascular issues
〰️Digestive issues
In my experience, clients that have copper toxicity actually have copper dysregulation. It’s not that they have too much copper, but not enough ceruloplasmin. Most practitioners approach copper toxicity by forcing a “copper dump,” which can be very hard on the body and can create more imbalance down the line.
My approach? The easiest and simplest thing you can do is to stop doing things that create unbound ceruloplasmin. See my “Where to start? STOP…” post.
There are definitely other things that can contribute to copper dysregulation, such as birth control or other kinds of hormone replacement therapy. As with everything I talk about here, do your own research and consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your health and wellness routine.
Some food for thought!
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Bielli, P. Calabrese, L. (2002). Structure to function relationships in ceruloplasmin: a 'moonlighting' protein. Retrieved from:
Haas, E. M. Levin, B. (2006). Staying Healthy with Nutrition. New York, NY: Ten Speed Press.
Meno Clinic. Can Copper Wreak Havoc on Your Body?. Retrieved from:
Musci, G. Bellenchi, G.C. Calabrese, L. (1999). The multifunctional oxidase activity of ceruloplasmin as revealed by anion binding studies. Retrieved from:
Robbins, M. (2014). The Copper Conundrum…. Retrieved from:
Robbins, M. (2016). Darren McDuffie brings you Morley Robbins’ and “The Role of Iron and Copper Dysregulation In The Body”. Retrieved from:
Robbins, M. (2017). Iron Toxicity Post #55: Ferritin is NOTHING, Hemosiderin is EVERYTHING!. Retrieved from:
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