Dairy Foods Are Superfoods

I just want to give a shout-out to one of the MVPs of nutrient-density: dairy.🌠
Yes, remember dairy? It’s literally nature’s perfect food. Whole cow's milk is a great balance of protein, carb and fat, with its fat content being 70% saturated and less than 2.5% polyunsaturated.👌
Milk is an excellent source of minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine and selenium, as well as vitamin C (raw only), B2, B6 and B12, and fat-soluble vitamins including A, D and K. These nutrients are not only essential for health, but super important to building a healthy baby.🐣 Dairy products like cheeses and Greek yogurt made with high-quality milk can be a great source of these nutrients too.
Higher milk consumption has been linked with or shown to:
🥛Improve absorbency of vitamins A and B12, as well as calcium
🥛Lower body fat
🥛Better bone density and bone mass
🥛Better body composition
🥛Better physical performance
🥛Healthier teeth
🥛Lower incidence of hyperglycemia
🥛Lower incidence of metabolic syndrome
🥛Inverse correlation with colon and break cancers
🥛Inverse correlation with cardiovascular disease
🥛Lower blood pressure
Many people avoid dairy because they think it’s “bad” or “unnatural.” There’s a lot of marketing that has gone into making us think this way. And the truth? It’s quite the opposite.
Milk and anything made from milk - aka dairy - is a most complete and perfect food. And there’s ample evidence from prehistoric times that show mothers gave infants milk from other animals when weaning them off breast milk.💣
Of course, there’s the issue of lactose-intolerance, but this can usually be solved. I’ll cover this in a future post.
Quality matters of course. When choosing dairy, I go for:
🌱Organic or pasture-raised
🚫Free of gums and additives
🚫Non-pasteurized and raw if I can get it
Everyone’s a little different, so the key is to experiment and see what works for you. This post isn’t at all meant to “push’ anything on anyone, but to address the misconception that dairy is inherently “bad” and to highlight the nutrient-dense superstar that it is!🌟
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Deering, Kate. (2013). What’s up with Vitamin D? Retrieved from: https://katedeering.com/2013/01/what-is-up-with-vitamin-d/.
Whelan, E. (2019). Proof Infants Sipped Animal Milk From Prehistoric Baby Bottles. Retrieved from: https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/baby-bottles-0012631.
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