Are you scared exercise will ruin your fertility?

Are you avoiding exercise because you’re afraid it’ll ruin your chances of pregnancy?
Let’s talk about it. Because I think there’s a lot of confusion.
Exercise is a type of stress. But it’s an eustress, not a distress.
✅ A eustress is something that stimulates a positive response in your body.
🆇 A distress is something that stimulates a negative response in your body.
When exercise becomes a distress, that’s when it starts to work against your fertility.
This is nuanced, however, because you will have a different athletic capacity, recovery, and resiliency than the next woman.
But to label all exercise as “bad” is doing you a disservice. Because exercise can have so many benefits, like increasing endorphins, blood flow to your reproductive organs, and building metabolically-supportive muscle. And exercise in pregnancy has tons of benefits, too.
You know what doesn’t lie? Your cycle. It’s one of the easiest ways to figure out if exercise has become an eustress or distress.
And if so, it’s time to reevaluate what kind of exercise you’re doing and how frequently you’re doing it.
It’s also important to note that exercise, while it can be very supportive, is a privilege but also a responsibility.
If you’re not eating enough calories to support your activity level, your female body will compensate by decreasing progesterone and estrogen production. Period.
Personally, I’m SO over the era of exercising for aesthetics. I just want to feel good. But I do see a lot of women who embark on their prometabolic journey and stop exercising completely. Only to gain a ton of weight when that's not healthy either.
It’s fair to say that you know anything done to any extreme doesn’t really ever produce great results.
One last thing. The way you perceive the world will become your reality.
Instead of “I hope this workout doesn’t destroy my progesterone” try “This workout will improve blood flow to my ovaries and make my back strong for pregnancy.” Your life could literally change.
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