The Importance of Getting Your Hormones Balanced Prior to Pregnancy

Preconception prep is SO important!
Our hormonal health prior to getting pregnant plays a huge role in how easy or hard our actual pregnancy goes, as well as our postpartum. BUT did you know that it also determines the hormonal health of our children?🐥
Mamas, we actually imprint OUR hormonal health on our children.
And just to clarify, I’m not talking about genetics right now.
‘"Hormonal imprinting" refers to the great changes in sensitivity to hormones (and related substances) that persist after exposure to that substance early in life. When the mother's hormones are imbalanced during pregnancy or nursing, the baby is "imprinted" with an altered sensitivity to hormones. Leonell Strong showed that these effects could be exaggerated generation after generation.’ - Dr. Ray Peat
It’s all about the “ENVIRONMENT.” The environment in which the seed — or baby — grows can determine its health.🌱
Common hormonal imbalances that can impact a baby’s health:
⬆️High estrogen
⬇️Low progesterone
⬆️High serotonin
⬆️High cortisol
⬇️Low thyroid
Not only can the above hormonal imbalances lead to things like morning sickness that make pregnancy hard in general, but they increase the likelihood of childhood issues such as autism.
This is one of the many, many reasons why conception prep is SO important.
I will be talking about this and much more in my upcoming course with the . Sign up via the link in my bio to be the first to hear more about this exciting project and how you can get your body truly ready for baby!
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Peat, R. (2009). Estrogen, memory and heredity: Imprinting and the stress response. Retrieved from:
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