Are Artificial Sweeteners Okay During Pregnancy?

artificial sweeteners pregnancy sweeteners

Another hot topic: Artificial Sweeteners.
I’ve talked about before how artificial sweeteners can create a blood sugar rollercoaster and impact our gut for the worse. These alone are reasons I personally avoid them.
When it comes to pregnancy, there are other things you can consider when deciding whether or not to consume them. As with everything I talk about, I encourage doing your own research so you can make your own informed decision.
“Since you pass on your microbes to your baby, it’s best to do everything you can to support the natural and healthy populations of bacteria in your body.” — Lily Nichols, R.D.
Firstly, sucralose (Splenda, etc) has been shown to significantly decrease populations of good bacteria in the gut in just 12 weeks.
Secondly, sucralose has also been shown, in particular, “to depress thyroid function, which could have a carryover effect on fetal brain development.” — Lily Nichols, R.D.
Thirdly, is that “they may impact your child’s propensity for obesity later in life.” — Lily Nichols, R.D. It’s been shown that children whose mothers consumed artificial sweeteners daily during pregnancy were 1.9X more likely to be overweight or obese at age 7 compared to those who consumed none.
Fourthly, the impacts seem to be far-reaching and there’s a lot we don’t know. “Test animals fed sucralose developed a shrunken thymus gland, enlarged liver and kidneys, a decrease in red blood cells and a tendency to diarrhea. Most serious for those wishing for a normal pregnancy and healthy children, sucralose caused prolonged or aborted pregnancy, low birth weight in offspring and reduced growth rate.” — Dr. Thomas Cowan & Sally Fallon
It seems artificial sweeteners can not only have an impact on mama’s health, but potentially the health of her baby as well.
Instead of artificial sweeteners, I always go for naturally-sweetened products with cane sugar, raw honey, maple syrup and coconut sugar. I also like date syrup and coconut nectar.😋
For more information on artificial sweeteners, see my post called “My Thoughts on Artificial Sweeteners.”



This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.



Nichols, L. (2018). Real Food for Pregnancy. United States.

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