How do you talk to yourself?

I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: the relationship we have with our bodies is probably the most important relationship we will ever have.
So that said, how do you talk to yourself?
If you didn’t know — every single cell is listening to what you say.
Find that hard to believe? Let’s talk about Dr. Masaru Emoto. He’s probably most well known for his Rice Experiment, in which he put rice in 3 jars and for the next 30 days, he spoke to them. To the first jar he said “thank you,” to the second jar he said “you’re stupid,” and he ignored the third jar.
After 30 days, the first jar’s rice remained mostly white, the second jar grew mold, and the third jar was somewhere in between.
Regardless of how “scientific” you think Dr. Emoto’s work is, it’s a powerful reminder that the perspective and energy we put out into the world matters.
Positive intentions and words can nurture. Negative intentions and words can literally destroy.
Understanding this connection between our thoughts and our bodies can be incredibly powerful. Especially as we begin our journey into conception and motherhood.
If we can change our thoughts, we can change our world.
If we can nurture our bodies, we can change our lives.
So, repeat these affirmations after me:
“I am enough and I am worthy.”
“I am fertile. My eggs are healthy and plenty.”
“My body is designed for this.”
“My womb welcomes my future baby.”
Some food for thought and that you can come back to — wherever we are on our journey and as we enter 2022. 💗
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
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