5 Things to Detox Before Pregnancy

Is it necessary to detox before pregnancy?
I personally think it depends on the person. But when preparing for pregnancy, there are 5 primary areas we can look at as far as detoxification goes.
XENOESTROGENS: Xenoestrogens are natural chemical or synthetic compounds that mimic the behavior of the hormone Estrogen. Some of the most common include PCBs, BPA, and Pthalates. At a high level, they have been implicated in precocious puberty, decreased fertility in both males and females, increased pregnancy complications, birth defects, and more.
METALLOESTROGENS: Metalloestrogens are a type of Xenoestrogen. They are heavy metals that mimic the action of the hormone Estrogen. Some are essential minerals, pointing to the need for balance, not complete absence. They include: Aluminum, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, and Tin. Some are linked to anovulatory cycles and increased cancer risk.
MYCOESTROGENS: Mycoestrogens are also a type of Xenoestrogen. They are also known as mycotoxins and produced by fungi. They are commonly used in agriculture and can be found in the food system. Exposure to Mycoestrogens has negative effects on egg quality and sperm quality. Prolonged exposure may lead to reduced fertilization rates.
POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS (PUFAS): PUFAs have more than one (poly) double bond, making them the least stable fat compared to other types. They tend to accumulate in our fatty tissues and mimic the action of Estrogen, causing cells to uptake water and multiply at a rapid rate. High PUFA-containing oils include: Canola, Cottonseed, Corn, Soy, Safflower, Flax, Peanut, Sesame, Vegetable
PARASITES: Parasites include large tapeworms to nanobacteria. They can cause malnutrition, deformities of the genital tract, tubular infertility, ectopic pregnancies, pelvic pain, poor sperm motility, etc. Some can also prevent implantation or the proper formation of the placenta. Many are associated with irregular menstrual cycles and endometriosis.
HOW TO DETOX: One of the ways we can support our detoxification systems is through Castor Oil Packs. Castor Oil itself has been used for thousands of years, and regarding fertility, it can help balance estrogen, reduce inflammation, and prepare the body for ovulation (which we need to get pregnant!). These can be used as part of a larger, targeted detox protocol.
Stay tuned for version 2.0 of my signature eCourse, Conscious Conception, where I’ll be expanding on how you can incorporate detox into your pregnancy prep!
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